Wednesday, July 21, 2004

How do you change the world?

It's a big question that many idealist like myself ask everyday.  I change the world by supporting people who do what's right by God, themselves and the people they represent.  I supported State Sen. Mary Squires (D-5) for the Democratic ticket for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated this year and we lost, 10% of the vote compared to 43% and 23% from our opponents, but I have to say that it was a good fight and I would do it all over again.

Some people ask me, if you keep losing battles because you're the nice guy or you do the right thing, why keep doing it?  Well, simple answer, because I AM the nice guy and I DO the right thing ALL the time.  If that means that I come up short in life, so be it, but let God be judge in the end on how I lived my life, not by its results. 

Sen. Squires ran a brilliant campaign, full of energy, life and the drive to do something better for our communities.  We didn't want the name recognition, or the grandeous benefits of the Senator's seat, we wanted to do what was right for the people of Georgia.  Especially those in the Woodbury and Manchester (see previous post), where the poor and the most needy barely have a voice.  I congratulate the Primary winner, Rep. Denise Majette (D-GA), and wish her God speed and not to forget that she was elected by the people and should serve them as if her job depends upon a matter of fact, it does! 

Am I bitter?  A little.  Am I sad?  Uhhh...yeah, a good seven months of my life was just blown out the water.  But will this stop me and others like me from trying to make a difference?  Hell no!  We shall go on and continue to affect change.  We shall do what is right and continue to spread the message that every voice deserves to be heard. 

I hope to work with Sen. Squires again and next time take her straight to the Capitol, but for now I just need a very long rest and some time to cool my jets before getting started on something else.  To all of you out there who feel that life is hopeless no matter how much you try to shine...keep shining because you're light is guiding the way for so many others and gives them their own light and together you beat back the darkness of ignorance, prejudice, injustice, intolerance and out right wrong doing.  Keep being heroes and sheroes, you know I will!

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,"
Eleanor Rooselvelt.


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