The Shack
I started reading "The Shack" by William P. Young after my then fiancee and now wife recommended it. I was a little taken aback when she said she had to put it down during some chapters to cry, repent, rejoice, etc. I've never had a book do that to me before with the exception of the Bible, but I was willing to give it a chance.I brought the book along to our wedding in the Democratic Republic of Congo last month. We had a week in Kinshasa, DRC before the wedding so there was downtime enough to go through a few chapters. Let's just say that after the first few chapters I was trying to find ways to sneek away and read it.
Hands down, I love this book! I was also reading it during one of the most joyous, but difficult times of my life. I won't elude to that now, but "The Shack" helped me see just how much unforgiveness can ruin one's life...or at least try to. I'm not going to give away the plot, but I can guarantee that you'll learn about just how much God truly loves us and is clamoring at the gates of our heart. He's waiting for the day that we'll stop, turn around, listen and act on what He's done for us and have in store for us.
It's amazing! I encourage you to go to your nearest Borders (shameless plug) and buy this book. You can also go to to read about the author, an excerpt from the book and testimonials of authors and readers.
Outrite, whatever can help you get over the pains of your heart, do it! Life is too short and the beauty that's right in front of you too grand to let it all go away in drain of despair. God loves beyond any and all situations. Believe me, He loved me through mine.